West Boylston Little League teaches our youth the game of baseball in West Boylston, MA. Established in 1959, we have baseball programs starting from Single A division (Tee ball) up to Majors division. Ages start at 4 and end at the age of 12. Players must reside in the town or attend either Major Edwards or West Boylston Jr/Sr High School.
Current Board Members:
President - Jason Vitko
Vice President - Mark Senior Jr.
Player Agent - Tony Scola
Secretary - Josh Smith
Treasurer - Jon Tellier
Safety Officer - Dan Sawicki
Majors Coordinator - Mark Wyatt
AAA Coordinator - Scott Mulcahy
AA (Coach Pitch) Coordinator - Vacant
A (Tee Ball) Coordinator - Mike Connors
Sponsor Coordinator - Jason Vitko
CORI Coordinator - Theona Scola
Parade Day Coordinator - Andrew Perna
Concessions Coordinator - Amanda Vitko / Allie Tellier